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Phang Nga Province

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MessagePosté le: Ven Déc 29, 2023 1:45 pm    Sujet du message: Phang Nga Province Répondre en citant

There are many things to do in Phang Nga - one of the southern provinces (Changwat) of Thailand, on the shore of the Andaman Sea to the west and Phang Nga Bay to the south. Neighbouring provinces, from north and moving clockwise, are Ranong, Surat Thani, and Krabi. Towards the south of Phang Nga is the Phuket province, connected by the Sarasin Bridge. The province, located on the western side of the Malay Peninsula, encompasses the islands within Phang Nga Bay. Among these, Khao Phing Kan and Ko Ta Pu, often referred to as "James Bond Island," gained prominence following their appearance in the 1974 film The Man with the Golden Gun. In this film, Khao Phing Kan serves as the base for the antagonist, with the distinct, needle-shaped limestone formation of Ko Ta Pu, situated approximately 20 metres (22 yd) off the main beach, featuring significantly. To safeguard these and other islands, the Ao Phang Nga (Phang Nga Bay) National Park was established in 1981. The province also includes the Similan Islands and Surin Islands, notable diving destinations in Thailand. The total forested area of the province is approximately 1,778 km2 (686 sq mi), accounting for 32.4 percent of its total area.
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