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Senators coach D.J. Smith on coronavirus It hit us but it pr

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Inscrit le: 03 Aoû 2022
Messages: 82

MessagePosté le: Mer Aoû 03, 2022 11:34 am    Sujet du message: Senators coach D.J. Smith on coronavirus It hit us but it pr Répondre en citant

The Ottawa Senators are among the sports organizations that have been hit the Kirby Yates Jersey hardestby the coronavirus pandemic, but coach D.J. Smith knows it could have been worse for his club.
The Senators among playersover the past few weeks, including the first confirmed case in the NHL on March 17.The , bringing the league total to eight players. The NHL season has
With all fiveOttawa players reported to berecovered, Smith said the team was luckythe cases weren't more Tony Gwynn Jersey serious.
"Everyone that had it didn't have horrible symptoms," he told reporters on a video callWednesday. "Some guys didn't feel wellbut, being athletes, they all got through it and they're all on the other side of it now."
The team is believedto have been exposed to the virus during a road trip acro s California in early Josh Naylor Jersey March. Smith thinks the Senators' experience may have opened people's eyes to the scale of the ongoing crisis.
"I'm really glad that everyone that was involved in our organization and on that plane is now doing well," he said. "It's certainly a scary time, but yeah, it hit us, but at the same point it probably saved a Manny Machado Jersey lot of us, too, because unle s you see it up close that quickly, we probably got a bit of a jump on this."
Nearly a month has gone by since the NHL paused the season, but with the pandemic continuing to infect more people around the world, there has been no indication when the season could resume. Plans of , and have all been discu sed, but it looks increasingly po sible the 2019-20 season might be a lost cause. Regardle s of how things play out, the 25-34-12 Senators won't be involved in the postseason.
Smithis still Fernando Tatis Jr. Jersey hoping his team can complete itsschedule, however.
"I'm hopeful that we can get out of the house and get back to work and joking with the guys," he said. "We want to finish on the right note. We want to finish with the me sage of howwe're going to work until the very end, to the very last buzzer. . . . Rickey Henderson Jersey The most important thing to me is the development of our young guys and that they continue to get better."
John Short, Jr
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