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How to start using Ledger Wallet via

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MessagePosté le: Mar Juin 04, 2024 2:16 pm    Sujet du message: How to start using Ledger Wallet via Répondre en citant

If you have purchased a new Ledger device and now you are thinking of how to start using this wallet or
set up your device, then is at your rescue. To start using this wallet, all you need to do
is install the setup software- Ledger Live and connect it to your hardware device. Now, if you are
wondering how to install this application on your device, then you can quickly go to the
webpage and there you will be able to see the Ledger Live installation button.
After installing this

application, you can open it and select the ;quot;Get Started;quot; option to proceed.
Thereafter, you need to choose the Ledger Wallet model and then click on the "Select" option to
proceed. Further, you can choose the method to set up your device which then be followed by the
creation of the wallet PIN and adding additional accounts.
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